Olimpiu Bandalac
B. 1955, Bucharest
Olimpiu Bandalac
Bandalac Olimpiu is a visual artist, video producer, and animated film director. He lives and works in Bucharest.
Since 1980, he has been exhibiting works of drawing, painting, installations, photography, experimental and animated film. His interest is tied to the perennial themes of visual arts: the portrait of the artist at different ages, time/movement, history, eco-art. Starting from 2019, he has been involved in artistic education - offering courses in drawing, color, and modeling to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, or multimedia courses (to students at UNARTE, Bucharest).
He has been a member of the Union of Plastic Artists, Bucharest Branch - Graphics Section since 1981 and a member of the Union of Filmmakers in Romania since 1983.
His works can be found in public collections (National Museum of Contemporary Art - Bucharest, Museum of Recent Art - Bucharest, Brașov Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca Art Museum, Kunsthalle Nürnberg - Germany, State University Museum São Paulo - Brazil) and in private collections in Romania, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Austria, France, the Netherlands, the USA, Canada.
His interest is tied to perennial themes of the arts, the portrait of the artist at different ages, time/movement, history, eco-art, working with past-present both at the level of the idea and the construction of the artwork.
download CVOlimpiu Bandalac, in over 40 years of career, has crafted a substantial, complex, and unclassifiable body of work, proteanly articulated in installations, painting, photography, objects, performance, and multimedia.
Olimpiu Bandalac's creation is structured around the idea of time - its flow: the time of life, the time spent in the evolution of his works, the chronophagous minuteness of execution, the patience in awaiting the result, the endless questioning about the correctness of decisions, countless comebacks.
If we were to illustrate his artistic practice as for a dictionary, the mediums with which he operates: painting, graphics, photography, and which should include the rational, technical-stylistic, intuitive, sensitivity and refinement criteria, and conceptual art, then his art would be the true illustration of a balanced combination between aesthetics and idea, between aspect and concept.
Olimpiu Bandalac, an introspective and metaphorical author, has nurtured his drawings, objects, installations, animated films, and also his activism, in which he made his presence felt after 1989, from his spiritual vital substance." This is how he is described by the art historian and critic Adrian Guță in his book "The '80s Generation in Visual Arts". As one of the important artists of the present, this complex creator is a landmark of the eighties movement, of local cultural postmodernism, a period which he assimilates and surpasses.